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NÅ - Christmas Concert

  • Universitetets Aula Norway (kart)


Two timeless classics are united when Ensemble Allegria invites you to our Christmas concert in the University's Aula in Oslo this year.

With us we have one of the country's leading mediators; actress Lise Fjeldstad, who has captivated audiences of all ages with her performance of H. C. Andersen's fairy tale 'The Girl with the matches"‘ from the National Theatre's stage. The classic adventure from 1848 still touches us today, with a theme that is still relevant in our time.

In this year's Christmas concert, you will also hear Arnold Schönberg's infinitely beautiful Verklärte Nacht - a work that you might not immediately associate with Christmas, but which musically expresses many of the same emotions that H. C. Andersen's fairy tales evoke in us: desperation, shame and outsiderness, but also joy, optimism and reconciliation.

The rest of the concert's program will be built around these two masterpieces, with music and text that convey the themes of Christmas in various ways, and we promise a great experience with outstanding performers in one of the country's finest concert halls.

Lise Fjeldstad is one of Norway's leading actresses and, through her many interpretations of roles on stage, film, television and radio, has distinguished herself as a stage artist with a rare large register. With musicality, strong inner courage and clear psychological insight, she has played a large number of female roles, from poetic maiden roles to great tragic roles from the classic fate dramas.

She made her debut at the National Theater as Blanche Dubois in A Streetcar Named Desire (1975). Since then, she has participated in over 50 productions, both as an actor and director.

Roles in selection, Nationaltheatret: Agnes in Brand, Elisabeth of Valois in Don Carlos, Hekabe in Trojanerinner, Lavinia in The Happy Choice, Title role in Maria Stuart, Martha in Who is afraid of Virginia Wolf?, Fanny Wilton in John Gabriel Borkman, Helene Alving in Gengangere, King Juliane in Life in violence, Maxine in Night of the Iguana, Irene in Når vi döde vaagner, Queen Gjertrud in Hamlet, The older woman in Sleep and Arkadina in The Seagull.

At other theatres, she has played the title role in Hedda Gabler, Solveig and Mor Aase in Peer Gynt, Ragnhild in Medmennesket, Gunhild in The fourth night guard, Charlotte in Høstsonaten, Rosalinde in As you like it, Alice in Døddansen and Tora Parsberg in Paul Long.

As an instructor, she has, among other things, set up Reisen til Julestjernen, Til Julia and Dansetimen at the Nationaltheatret. She has also staged performances at Teater Ibsen, Den Nationale Scene, Riksteatret, Det Norske Teatret, Rogaland Teater and Radioteatret.

Film and TV selection: Ljoba Andrejevna in The Cherry Garden, Nora in A Doll's Home, Asta Almers in Lille Eyolf, Maja in Naar vi dö vaagner, Yerma in Yerma, Alice in The Dance of Death, Wenche Løvdal in Fortuna, Beate in Størst av alt, Liv Hansen in Hvaler, female lead in Klabautermann, Little Ida, Madness and Dragon's Prisoner.

Awards and honours, selection: Swedish film's Guldbaggen (1982), Amanda prize for best female lead (1991), Radioteatrets Den Blå Fugl (1992), Per Aabel's Honorary prize (1992), Critics' prize (1993), Stiftelsen Akershus Festning for Art and Culture's honorary plaque (1998). Order of St. Olav (1993), "City Patriot" (2011), Rolf Gammeleng's Veteran Award (2012), Anders Jahres Culture Award (2013) and Commander with Star of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav (2014).


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